I can't help with the radio, but for FT8, you want WSJT-X as the software.

FT8 is the most popular ham radio mode in use today. With the program running, press F1 and read the help file/manual. Using the latest orbital mechanics equations and up-to-the-minute Keplerian element information downloaded from a variety of trusted sources, you can predict satellite passes with confidence. Advantage is the first RIGblaster with internal sound card. Any one on FT-8 with a Icom 7600 & RigBlaster Advantage? Discussion in 'Working Different Modes' started by N9SRA, Feb 13, 2019. Re: RRC 1258, IC 7100, Rigblaster Advantage (PSK) and McLogger Dx.

Yes-I'm aware that the Elecraft K3S has a built-in interface, but I really wanted to take advantage of the direct FSK keying feature that the RigBlaster Advantage has. The SignaLink Model USB I am presently using a SignaLink USB because of the advantage of its built-in Sound Card, convenient front panel controls, 13 pin ACC 2 connection to my Kenwood TS-2000, and its simplified USB installation making it one of the most user-friendly Radio RIGBlaster Advantage ως εξωτερικό interface, που φαινό-ταν στη θύρα 6 στον υπολογιστή µου.